I think some see this as a depressing verse, but it is also very inspiring. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow BUT... we have this very minute.
Use this minute for all that it is worth.
Choose the words and actions and even facial expressions of this very minute to be full of what Jesus is asking of you.
It has been a very full and intense few weeks here, since I last wrote a blog.
My firstborn son graduated from highschool and turned 18, officially becoming an adult.
The house sold and the packing has been full power since we are moving most things out a full week before we close.... and that moving date is barely a week away now.
My mother’s health has been atrocious, so we ran “home” to spend some time with her AND to celebrate another homeschool graduation. A choice for JOY in the middle of crazy.
My health hasn’t hit the atrocious level, but neither diabetes or epilepsy are being nice to me right now, which keeps me on my toes. I had some testing done yesterday, for my birthday, which will help determine what I even qualify for as a “next step” for epilepsy. But that is a story for another day.
As I said, very full several weeks.
But, as James says, “What is your life....(but) a mist.”
When I read that verse this evening, with a blood sugar of 315 and on the grumpy level of attitude I was made aware, once again, that it is my choice how I react. It is my choice how I live. It is my choice whether my “mist” is a spring filled loveliness or a dark evening gloom.
We are all a mist. What kind shall I be?
As James sums up, just a few verse later... “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” James 4:17 ESV
Yes, we are just a mist. But the mist, although temporary, can be both beautiful and useful.
Make that choice.
Be blessed my friends, choosing to see the beauty in as many steps of the journey as you can.