This post is originally from April of 2020 and I called it “beautiful scars”.
Covid was in it’s beginning. I was waiting for my first Litt brain surgery, but already waiting for my hair to grow back from being shaved off during testing. Andy hadn’t retired from the army yet, both my children still lived at home, which was in a different state then now, and the questions of life then were different than the questions of now.
Yet now, even with so many things different, I don’t think I would change a thing it says.
Beautiful scars are still beautiful, if we choose, and remember, to see them that way.
Those wounds that need binding come in so many different shapes and from so many different sources. Some are deep and need stitches to stop the bleeding. Some are more shallow, but so very wide that they seem to stretch out forever. Others will scab over, then get opened again and again and again. I have seen emotional and spiritual wounds that require “surgery”, the complete removal of a limb, for healing to happen.
But healing is always happening, if we allow it.
The thing is, there are often scars left behind. Healing stops the bleeding. Healing closes the wound.
But the scars are still there.
What do you see when you look at a scar? Do you see something ugly or the mark of a battle won? Are you inspired with pride because you survived?
I think they are beautiful.
As time passes the scars smooth out. They show how we have grown and changed and matured- but they remain, as gentle and beautiful reminders of the battles we have won and the wounds that our Savior has already healed.
There will be new battles and new wounds. We will need new healing, over and over, and there will be new scars along the way.
And they will be beautiful too.
“He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.”
Psalms 147:3 TPT