I have missed my blog sooooo much!
We have been non-stop wedding plans this last week. It has been so much fun though, and it is all starting to pull together. Unfortunately, there is so much about a wedding that you cannot do until the last minute. That makes for rough times for the bridesmaids! Thankfully, we are a close crew, and can work well together even when we are exhausted to the point of silliness. Of course, the reason we are exhausted is because we have also been having lots of fun too!
The last two days have been devoted to the wedding programs. Since each one takes about 2 full minutes to make.... times 25o of them.... it has been a big job. We have recruited lots of help- not only bridesmaids, but their significant others also, and a friend from out of state who drove in early just to be helpful. Life is good.
Tonight we took a break from wedding stuff and had a birthday party for Canaan. We went to Chuck E Cheese. I think it was lots of fun, and not too stressful, so I guess it was a success. There were about 15 adults, and only 5 children, and that is a really good ratio for the CEC! The adults really need to outnumber the kids, or it is crazy. I will say that a Tuesday night while school is still in session is a great time to go. It was not crowded at all. I will post pictures next week. I left my cord at my house, and we are staying at my parents until Sun. so my pictures are trapped on my camera for now.
Just a quick story to close now. On the way home from the party tonight Canaan was riding in the car with my parents and they were talking about rhyming. After rhyming frog and log, Canaan said he wanted to sing "that song about frogs and logs". My Mom started some song, which I think she was making up as she went along, and Canaan stopped her. "That is not right Noni. My mom and dad remember that song, but they are not as old as you, so maybe that's why you don't remember it". Luckily, she loves him, even though he called her old!!
Oh, one more thing... Naomi, Happy Birthday, really really late. I have been thinking about you all week, and I am sorry I haven't called you, or E-mailed or anything. I keep thinking about you at 1pm, when I am pretty sure you are a work. Sorry!
A servant of Jesus Christ, military wife, homeschool mom, talking about a little bit of everything. Joy, Pain, Fear, Faith, and the learning that happens every day.
Who writes this stuff?

- Andysbethy
- I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.
My Blog Title Verse
"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A birthday party
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I have to admit that this was the first time I have been to Chuck E. Cheese and NOT left with a headache!!!!
We had so much fun..it was great and a great way to avoid the bad weather here in Adairsvile!
I promise that I will keep my program/fan and keep it forever!!!
I hope you will get to come Sunday...that would be great, though I wouldn't be your child's teacher since I have Sunday off :(
We can talk about that later like you said: first things first: the wedding! Can't wait!
I am glad y'all had a great time. I am sorry that we couldn't make it. Jerry finally made it home at 6:30, running your own business never stops. I hope to see you soon. I miss you and love you. Have fun with the wedding plans and the wedding.
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