We were studying the Civil War in history this week, and the flags of the opposing sides when Canaan suddenly realized that we had omitted a routine from last year.
We hadn't been started our day with the Pledge of Allegiance. I informed him that our flag from the last house had been retired - it was old and torn, and no longer in service.
He decided to remedy the situation by making a flag for us to use this year.
Here he is, working away on a different school project, but it is the same day, so I thought these pictures fit.

Finally, all finished!

Canaan went out in the backyard and picked out a stick, so our flag could have a "flag pole". He proudly picked off any rough edges, (he actually tried to hammer them off of the first one, which didn't turn out so well - life application lesson, right?)

He then proudly waved it up and down, and all around,

...until Zion stuck a parrot between his toes,

which caused some serious roll-on-the-floor laughter.

Zion was playing camera shy,
but Canaan was a little ham for me.
History, Art, and Life Application - plus a lot of fun.
All from studying the Civil War.
Plus he got to see Mommy cry (The Gettysburg Address gets me every time!)
I love being a homeschool family.
Sounds like a perfect homeschool day!! LOVE IT!!!!
Being a homeschool family is definately the greatest adventure God has given me the privelege of having! Sounds like a great day!
Great pictures...homeschool families are too cool!! (P.S. I love the new background and layout it looks great!!)
I love hearing about everyday life with your little boys. You are such a wonderful mother, and they are thriving because of your enthusiasm for life!
Homeschool rocks! Especially when mom gets into it too!
Hey Bethany! I love your new background. How did your EEG go? I love the flag! What a great idea!
I want to hear about your EEG also! I am afraid you are already in bed since you had to stay up all night though, so I will call tomorrow!
He did a great job on his flag and I have to say that the parrot between the toes is AWESOME!
I love the last picture!!!!!! FUN!
God bless him for remembering how important our flag and by extention our country is. I'm sure it has a little to do with your DH. I think your son could teach some others about the importance of patiotism.
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