I can't really say where I have been these last few weeks. It's not like it is top secret or anything. I just haven't been anywhere specific. I was at Mom's for awhile - two weddings and a triple birthday party packed into one weeks time.
Seven and Five - (and an age which shall not be mentioned...that would be me)

Family picture at wedding number one.

Four sisters - Maid of honor, Matron of honor, Wedding Coordinator, and little ole me, who just hops around aimlessly saying "How can I help?".

But wasn't she a beautiful bride!
Mary Faith fixed my hair (and makeup) for the wedding.

I hardly recognized myself!
I have been home for a while - the count down to VBS is this week. And since I can't say no to anything, I am running drama and music.
However, the big event of the week was this....
My family says I am weakening with age - or with time married - or something.
Andy has been pining for a motorcycle from the day I met him. I have always said "no". Or at least "not right now". But I guess he finally wore me down. He got it cheap, and he is over 30 now, so the insurance is cheap, and he just asked so nicely...

Yeah, I am a sucker for those adorable faces he makes. giggle giggle
Now I get to be a biker chick, sitting up on the back behind my big tough dude. Yep.
We'll just see what happens...
I was trying like crazy to get that family photo to enlarge so I could see you closer, and all I had to do was scroll down. I LOVE the hairdo, and the peacock feathers..so classy! But, I prefer your "just so" curls...or "not just so" curls, ha ha.
Love the cheesy face in the last bike picture. He deserves a little treat I guess after months of service in the middle of the crazy desert. Like I said before, it couldn't be more dangerous than that, right? ha ha!
well... I hate to admit it but I love the bike. he really does look good on it... so I guess if he does what I asked and wear full body armor he will be ok HA HA ..... glad to see you back on here.. I miss reading about what my kids are doing. love, mom
Aww Bethy, I love that picture of the five of us!! :)
- Kelli
what is it with military guys and motorcycles???
Hubs has been after me since day one also. And I said yes.
He has a million in life insurance.
He hasn't made it yet.
Oh summers are always so busy & I LOVE your hair!!! :)
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