Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ravens and a brook flowing with water

 There is a beautiful story in the book of 1 Kings about Elijah, God's prophet, in a time of drought and famine. The nation of Israel had walked away from the one true God and was being punished: there had been no rain. The ground was dry and empty, food would not grow and even the flowing water was beginning to disappear, bit by bit.
 But God led Elijah to a flowing brook, with a shady tree, and raven's to bring him bread morning and evening. His needs were met,
 Then, scripture says, the brook "began to dry up". The rush slowed down. Perhaps just a bit at first, then enough that he couldn't help but notice. But still, he just waited. Elijah waited.
 The brook became a trickle, and still he waited.
 Water was still there, and he trusted.

 Finally, when the brook was dry, God spoke to Elijah and told him where to go next.

 When it was dry.

 I read a devotional study on this story, from "Streams in the Desert". I think what stood out most to me was this sentence; "probably, long ere the brook was dry, we should have devised some plan, and asking God's blessing on it, would have started elsewhere."

 How often have we done that?

 We see the brook beginning to slow down and we start worrying. We come up with alternate plans, back up possibilities, multiple choices, "just in case". Then, as it gets slower and slower, drier and drier we think surely we need to move. All of these plans are good. And often, that is true. There is nothing necessarily bad about our plans. But they are ours.
 But we see the brook getting drier and drier, so we pick a plan, ask God to bless it, and take a leap.
 And so often He does bless it, because He loves His children.

 But what if we had waited?

 What kind of amazing plan did He have for us?

 The point of this is to say:

 Andy and I are not going to Alaska. It seems that they are not taking diabetic, epileptic, slightly neurotic wives at Ft. Richardson right now. We got turned down for medical, and can say with all honesty that we really are not upset.
 Yes, Alaska would have been fun, but it is a LONG way away.
 And my baby sister got engaged on Sunday, so I really need to be slightly closer to "home". (smile)

 Right now we don't have official orders, but the "pre" orders say Ft. Bragg. If everything passes, we will head to N. Carolina.

 But, the brook is not yet dry.

 Right this minute we are in Missouri. Andy goes to his classes. Canaan and Zion have their "classes". And I, I am reminded to enjoy the bread the ravens bring, the shade tree God provided, every sip of water from my little flowing brook, and every minute of the waiting.

 Because truthfully, isn't that all that life is?

 Enjoy, and make use of, the waiting my friends!



autumnesf said...

You just had to post that didnt you??

Looking forward to hearing what the next assignment will be.

Our decisions have been made and we are out. Hubs last week at work should be the first week of Dec. We will have pay until March1. We have NO job prospects or clear calling in any direction. Please don't tell me I should wait until the paycheck runs dry before panicing. LOL!!

Carrie said...

Love this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EmileeHope said...

Beautiful Betsy!