Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

I can’t fix it

The theme of this blog, recently, has been to write about “what God is teaching me.” I haven’t written in days and oh, how I wish it could be because God had declared that I know enough, that I could take a break from being taught. 
 As I am sure you are aware though, that is NOT true. I never get to stop learning. I think instead that God was asking me to learn more in one weekend than ever before. Again. 

 Mom was admitted to the hospital, again, on Thursday. It was her SPS in December. A heart attack in January. Her SPS again on Thursday. (This second link is a fairly long video but the first 30 seconds, showing this woman’s spasms, give an idea of what this disease is like.)
 Plus I myself spent 8 days in the hospital in January and had a procedure that only required one day but left me sore and exhausted for a week in Feb. 
 I am tired of the hospital. I am tired of sickness. I am tired of being tired. 

 This weekend was already fully planned. My turn to have fun. 
 Friday was the unit formal event - Army ROTC prom basically. 
 Mom, Emilee, Kelsey and all of their children were suppose to drive down to my house while I was at the ball Friday night and spend all day Saturday playing at our house. We had created a kid friendly army event. Camouflage gear, protective glasses, loads of nerf guns and a course to run in order to “beat the bad guys” (named Canaan and Zion). Plus Andy had built several other toys that go “boom”, just for the fun of it. 
 Sunday would be clean up and recovery, a fun breakfast all together and then loading the family up into their vehicles and sending them home.

 See what I mean- fully planned. 
 Then Thursday Mom was admitted to the hospital again and there was nothing I could do to fix it. 

 That is the key point. 
 I could not fix it. 
 I couldn’t change the army event that Andy was required to attend, or make him available to drive me to GA. 
 I couldn’t make Mom well. I couldn’t even help her pain. 
 I couldn’t clear the schedule for the sisters, or their husbands or the friends who are always there to help. 
 I had absolutely zero control. 
 I could not fix it. 

 That verse sums up how I feel today, looking back on my emotions on Friday. (And Sat, and perhaps still Sun too) I have to learn this lesson over and over. I can’t fix it. 
 Andy reminded me that there was nothing I could do, so he told me to paint my nails, put on my heels and simply have fun with him. 

I did have fun with him.

 Friday night Kelsey left her kids with her in-laws and went to Mom in the hospital. Saturday morning Emilee loaded her crew up and came to me. She doesn’t like to put her kids online, so there aren’t any cute, clear pics of them. But you get the idea :)

 A “bad guy” getting painted up, my Zion.

The practice event, showing how to take cover and run toward the goal. 

Teaching the littles how to reload their guns. 

Another “bad guy” who couldn’t be painted because he had to leave for work soon but wanted to participate. So my Canaan dressed up like a “ninja” instead. 

One of the littles really didn’t care about the guns or paint. 
He just wanted to play with Samwise.
Another of the littles can’t walk yet, so he just enjoyed the sunshine on momma’s hair.

 Here is the point to this. I couldn’t fix anything. I couldn’t help Mom. Not physically. Not spiritually- she has to rest in God herself. Not even emotionally because I was too upset about my carefully laid plans being messed up. I couldn’t fix anything. 
 And that is okay. 
 I went to the formal with my amazing husband. 
 I threw a party with some of my nieces and nephews. 
 I took my meds as required, read my Bible, ate pizza and soaked up love from and poured it back out on one sister and her kids.
 That was enough.
 I couldn’t fix anything, but I could do something new.

 I know you have all been there before. Maybe you are there right now.
 You can’t fix it. Not for the people you love. Not even for yourself.
 I promise you that God has something new, something different than you expected. Keep learning. Keep looking.
 You can’t fix it and that is ok.
 HE Can.


Lyn said...

You are a survivor ... you are a gladiator, you are an inspiration to those who have a long journey ahead of them. Life is a moment so we must make the best of our moment. Our anxiety is enough to take control and make us sick on its own, but if we can just be delivered from it all, if we can "be still" and trust! It is a hard emotion trust. Things that are not seen or felt makes us weary. Then we have to bring in faith a faith that is not comprehensible... a faith we cannot understand ... but if we look to the light and pass the darkness as best as we can ... the light will shine bright. I am still learning to walk by faith. Each day is a lesson, I learn something new. Stay strong and I pray for cleansing and healing mind body and soul. HUGS!!

Karen said...

As one "fixer" to another, the Lord only knows how much I needed to read your words!

" I couldn’t fix anything, but I could do something new." - a powerful reminder along with your closing declarations. And yes, you are definitely an inspiration and I know your family considers you a blessing and treasure!

Thank you for your candid truths voiced with love and compassion and your obedience in sharing with others.

Unknown said...

Maybe you cannot fix everything,but for a women such as yourself, you help others fix something or atleast endure with more hope when you share...which inadvertently means you fix something. See you do not have to try and fruit still grows on the tree.
Sorry to hear about Nina. You all ha e had a very tough 2 years and still praying for healing for all.