Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Planting seeds and tearing down fences

 Weary. Oh, what an appropriate word! I am certainly weary this evening!
 It has been a very full week. Very full two weeks, actually. 
 We had gone to GA to see lots of people that we love for Spring Break. Then, while we were there the world sort of fell apart. We ended up coming “home” early, since everything around us was closing - schools, churches, jobs and stores. We never got to visit several people that we loved, because suddenly germs, and sharing them, were a much bigger fear than ever before. 
 We started this week unsure of everything. 
I think that perhaps we are ending it still unsure of quite a few things. 
 But we stayed busy! Andy does not know how to sit still, and I am not very good at telling him no. 
 So, we tore down the back fence. 

Then moved it back about 16 feet. 

 We “dug” a lot of holes, (he got an auger for his birthday) and leveled and cemented new posts into them. 
Actually, we were able to reuse most of the old posts. We discovered the reason the fence was falling over was, in part, because there was so little cement used the first time it was built. 

Most of the fence tear down and rebuild was Andy. The boys helped a good bit, obviously, and I chipped in some, but truly, that man has way too much energy! 
He is a huge part of why I am “weary” here at the end of this week.

But not the only reason!
I also planted things.

The herbs survived the winter beautifully, one in each bed. 
 I added a few plants and a zillion seeds and spent some time cheering on the beautiful little surprise growth springing up in all three. 
 Some of it was weeds, obviously, but I am almost positive there are about a dozen tomato plants and a dozen peppers and several squash as well. We’ll see if my judgement is right in a few weeks. For now I will let them grow. 
 Then I bought some berry plants too! 
You can’t really see them but there are six, each peeking out of those mounds of red clay, attempting life in the Deep South. 
 And sweet Samwise has been so confused! He knows where the fence use to be, and walks to the edge of it and smells, then stops, afraid he will get in trouble if he goes farther. In the above picture he is laying right at the border... testing things. 

That seems to be the summary of our lives right now, I think. 
Testing things. 

What works and what doesn’t? 
How do we best help our neighbor? 
How do we plants good seeds without being weary? 

 Some of that was literal. The neighbor girl came and planted seeds with me. She fed me joy while I gave her attention. I don’t think we succeeded in staying 6ft apart the whole time, but we soaked up sunshine and placed seeds into egg cartons. 

 So, that is how I want to close this- plant some good seeds with your neighbors. 
Tear down some fences that you usually don’t have time to even consider. 
Use this change of schedule for something beautiful. 
Be blessed my friends, in the middle of the unknown, 

Plants good seeds! That wonderful harvest is promised!

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