Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


This morning around 8:15 one of my best friends called me and said, "I just want to have a normal day." She has had a lot of drama in her life recently, and when it was finally starting to slow down, her baby woke up with a fever of 105 degrees this morning, and she was rushing to the doctor. I totally understood what she meant... normal sounds nice. But, I really don't think it exists. Normal for her is not the same as normal for me, and probably not like normal for you either. It just got me thinking again about that word. NORMAL. Seriously, how can anyone define that? We had a lot of discussions about normal when I was growing up, since we were homeschooled, preacher's kids, who moved almost every year, and lived in a foreign country for awhile. We never even attempted to think that we were normal. But, we had our own normal. Our normal could be thrown off balance, just like anyone else's normal. Maybe what I am trying to get to is this question: "How do I want my children to define normal?" I don't want them to think that it is normal to use dirty, nasty, useless and pointless words. I don't want them to think it is normal to shout and scream at each other every time you have a disagreement. I don't want them to think it is normal to threaten violence to solve problems.
I DO want them to think it is normal to approach the throne of God with absolutely every issue in their life. I do want them to think it is normal to show affection openly to each other. I do want them to think it is normal to enjoy a good book, watch a good movie, spend time together as a family, help those less fortunate, and share love with everyone without exception.
There are so many things that can define normal. What is normal for you? Do you have a plan? You have to decide what your normal is, or you will end up following someone else's normal, which will be wrong for you.
On a lighter note... a piece of advice. If you remember really liking a movie as a child, yet haven't watched it since you were a child, don't watch it again. It totally ruins a movie to watch it again, after decades of memories! Canaan checked out the Ewok movie today at the library. The acting is absolutely horrid!!! I remember liking that movie. I think I just liked the Ewoks. Canaan thinks they are great. I guess I will let him love it, then make sure that he never sees it again, so he can hold onto the positive memory of it! It was scarier then I remembered too. Canaan is almost never scared, so I am not worried about him, but I am surprised that I was not scared by it as a child. We checked out both of the Ewok movies, so maybe the other one will be as good as I remember. Don't worry, I won't count on it! I have already planned to be disappointed.
Speaking of movies though, did anyone watch the PBS showing of Sense and Sensibility? It was so good. I liked it better then the one with Kate what's her name? Winslett? Titanic girl. Anyway, it was much better. S and S has always been my favorite, although Emma is a close second. I have always related to Elinor, so I was thrilled when that little survey matched me with her. The PBS version of the movie was very well done, and if anyone who reads this is someone who buys me presents (MOM, are you reading this?) I would love to have it on DVD so I can watch it again. If all else fails, Emilee will probably buy it for herself, and then I can borrow it!

Today was library day again. We were planning to ride our bikes, since my neighbor has a bike trailer for her daughter and Zion to ride in. When we were getting ready to leave it looked like rain, and my bike tire was flat, so we ended up driving. Story hour was great, and we stayed extra long, and when we were leaving the weather was absolutely gorgeous. Made me wish I had ridden my bike!! Next week I am going to plan ahead better, and have my tires ready to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. I was recently considering the same thought: is this normal for us now? being busy all the time?! I hope not! I do want my children to view normal as what most of the world does NOT deem normal. Or, for them to view what most everyone else does as NOT normal (whatever feels good at the time).
2. I haven't seen nor know of the Ewok movies you refer to. I have had the experience of things from childhood not being as good as you remember, as in tv shows: smurfs, strawberry shortcake...etc
3.I would love to see that version of Sense and Sensibility as well. Love those movies. I really liked the new Pride and Prejudice though...the one with the Elizabeth Swan girl in it....
4. Solution for your bike riding planning needs: weather.com hourly forecast!!! I use it......almost hourly! ha ha!