Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rocks in the wash

I have learned the hard way recently that small boys, interesting items discovered on the ground, and laundry do not mix well.
 Pockets can't just have a cursory pat, or slight shake. We have reached that point in time in which every pocket, in every pair of pants must be completely and thoroughly checked.
 Or we end up with mini stuffed animals who take a bath, "fascinating" sticks that are baptized, and a flashlight that no longer works.

 All of this (shells, rocks and a stick, and I think there is a penny in there somewhere)
 fell out of Canaan's pants after one day walking around Charleston...

 My poor washing machine is going to earn it's keep in the next few years! 


Dawn said...

If it helps you any, my younger brother and my father both leave stuff in their pockets. Mom and I both have to double check their pockets to make sure nothing goes through the wash.


Carrie said...

Aw! Gum and chapstick are the worst!

Tricia said...

With my girls it was stickers, gum, lipstick, kleenex, hairbows AND rocks, sticks, and other shiny objects. I am not sure that stage ever really ends, just changes as they grow. Now it is more like phone numbers, secret codes, business cards, letters that caem in the mail or need to be sent and photos of friends.

Dawn said...

I see my daughter beat me to the comment, but I was actually going to say that I find tissues to be the worst. Somehow one tissue can become 1,000 tiny pieces that stick to every piece of clothing in the laundry.