"Mommy, my ankles hurt. My wrists too. And if I bend my fingers, they hurt."
That is not a good way to start the morning. Since Andy works 3-midnight, we are late sleepers around here. Our boys go down between 8:30 and 9, and sleep until 8 or 8:30.
Unfortunately, it was 7:30 when he woke up this morning. Not fun for a mommy who had been up until 1:15, but such is life.
His temp was elevated, the base doc was full, so an off base walk-in clinic was advised by the 24 hour on-call nurse. When the flu test came back negative we thought we were in the clear - antibiotics and a decongestant, but nothing too serious.
But then the doctor said...
"If his fever spikes over the next couple days, you might want to bring him back. Sometimes the first flu test is just too early, and is wrong"
Of course, tonight before bed his fever spiked to 103. Which means I will have to be stressing and watching him all day tomorrow. He was already complaining that he has had to check his temp "FOUR times today!" Can you believe the torture?
Now if I can just keep Z away from him... Yeah right!
In other news:
I would like to introduce you to my adorable new sister-in-law. She is totally new to the world of blogging, so please drop by and give her a word of encouragement. Also, if you would like to, you can see the story that I had to s l o w l y and painfully drag out of Josh, bit by bit. She has written it out nicely, in a friendly little font, right there for the world to see. Aren't boys fun? Grrrr.