Who writes this stuff?

My photo
I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Family

Andy's little brother, Josh, came home on leave last week from his Army training and got married. He didn't give us much warning that this was what he was planning, and I must admit that I panicked a good bit. Josh had just turned 14 when I started dating Andy, and I have watched him grow up. I very much consider him a little brother.
So, I have annoyingly picked and picked at him over the last couple of weeks, dragging every tiny little bit of information out of him that I could about this mystery girl that he was going to marry. It is really hard to drag information out of little brothers who are 1000 miles away. Guilt still works some, but the pouty face doesn't work as well over the phone.

Finally, I got to meet her.
And I loved her!
Suddenly, life was much easier again.

Now, I know I should have trusted him all along to pick a wonderful woman, but the protective gene came out just a little. He really should have just given me her phone number several weeks ago. I think he was afraid I would scare her away - little old me - Surely I am not that scary?!

Perhaps when I look like this... but that isn't too often, and thank goodness for what those foil highlights accomplish!

The wedding party.
Almost all relatives - poor Joe, no uniform, or blood. That is one really good best friend!

Her daughter Anistyn (finally, a girl in the family!) was the flower girl and Zion was the Ring Bearer.
They both look eager to cooperate in this picture.

Anistyn still looks like she is going to cooperate in this picture, but Zion is looking unsure.

Since this wedding was planned on short notice, and with one party in CA, one in Alabama, and the location in GA, it was slightly haphazard. At the last minute I ended up directing "traffic". As in, Groom - Go.

(He doesn't look nervous, does he?!)
Bridesmaids - Go. Kids who are pulling out the runner - Go.

Anistyn declared she was not going to walk down that aisle. Zion refused to go without her. Tara, the bride, just wanted to walk down herself and didn't want to deal with the stress. So, I ended up carrying the flower girl down the aisle, while holding Zion's hand.
Last minute addition to the wedding!

After it was all over, Zion was perfectly happy, and loving that ring pillow!

Here are two different versions of the family picture of our new, expanded family.
Don't the little ones look excited?

I had to put this one - classic Andy and Josh pose.

At the Reception Canaan decided he wanted a "grown up" meal. It was as big as him, but he dug in with relish. There was enough left over for Andy to have for lunch the next day!

Zion declared his French Fry was a mustache.
My boys were a little "wired" for dinner that night!

This picture shows Josh being awful, smearing the cake on his new wife's face. (Sorry Tara!)
It also shows most of the beautiful cake that my mother-in-law, Ellen, made. Isn't she talented?

Tara proudly showed off Josh's handiwork.
The great-grandboys with their Granny.

It was a great party, a fun time, and I am very excited to see where God takes this couple next.
Congratulations Josh and Tara. Blessings to you!


Karen said...

I loved reading about the wedding with the pictures included...the groom was handsome and the bride was lovely...I loved your impromptu entrance with the little ones...moments like that make for special lasting memories...congrats on the sister in law!

Carrie said...

Finally! Yay! They are such a handsome couple and I don't think it could have turned out better! Impromptu weddings are GREAT fun! :)

Mel Eik said...

LOVE the french fry mustache!!!! Such wit for a little guy :)

Lara said...

Wow, I really am out of the loop. Josh in the Army, married, AND a dad now?! Your new sister-in-law is stunning, as is her daughter, and that dress! I'm glad everything went well and you got to add two more people to the Freeman clan.
