Yesterday was a big, huge, life changing day for my Canaan.
Or maybe more for me. He doesn't seem to be that affected...
He got glasses.

My camera battery was dead yesterday by the time I thought to take a picture, so these had to wait until today.
He complied for the first few shots, but then he just wanted me to leave him alone...

so he could watch Daddy play his new game.

Hurray for "repackaged" markdowns at Target!
Game, plus extra controller for less then the price of the game.
Thank you Carrie & Corey, Kelsey & Travis. Your Graduation gift money has already been greatly appreciated!

You should have seen this boy punching and ducking and dodging, like he was 10 years old again.
In the meantime - our son with the glasses proudly proclaimed tonight when it was bath time
"Mommy, I wore my glasses all day today! "
(because yesterday he kept taking them off and "forgetting where they were")
"Am I supposed to wear them in the shower?"
AW, that's the sweetest thing! So happy Andy got something fun for all his hard work on earning that degree!
So funny that he asked if he was supposed to wear them in the shower! ha ha! Can't wait to hear updates about what he notices now with his new eyes!
Love Canaan's glasses...can't wait to see what Katie has to say about them....
Too cute!
I love the pictures. Make sure to tell Canaan how handsome he looks in his new glasses. So glad that Andy is having fun and bringing Joy to you and Canaan which also then brings joy to me and others when we get to read about it :)You make me smile. I love you!!!!!!
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