Almost always during “this season” every four years I want to just hide from the world. Almost always Jesus does not allow me to just hide. You can read what HE had me say in 2008 and 2008, 2012, and 2017, after things “calmed down” haha.
So, here goes...
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This post is a reminder of the most important commandment. “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Love them.
It doesn’t say change your mind and agree with them, so I am not asking for that.
It doesn’t say to let them tell you what to do, or think, or believe. I am not asking for that either.
It doesn’t even say that you have to like them, not in the way modern America defines like (which seems to be “agree with”?).
But it clearly states, no, it commands, that we should LOVE our neighbors.
Google the Ancient Greek loves - the beautiful, multiple versions of love. Run them around in your head and ask yourself in honesty, especially as a Christian but even those of you who perhaps read this and are not a follower of Jesus, simply as a human- “Do I have love for my neighbors?”
Then my friends, move to this next verse, please.
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
Think about “such things”, as the NIV calls them. Why do we have to learn that over and over?
Seek them.
Find them.
Choose them.
Even in the middle of an election year, with a pandemic running crazy!
That is my challenge to you. Please my friends, love your neighbor. The one directly next door and the one two streets over and the one two states over. Love your neighbor. Then focus on the excellent and praiseworthy. Choose the pure and lovely. Find the admirable and noble. Live the true and the right in visible ways.
Speak kind words. Share kind actions. Live love out loud, EVEN IF it isn’t being lived back at you.
I will never stop sending this challenge my friends.
Please, please, keep trying to live with JOY.
Be blessed my friends with the strength and passion to go and live love out loud!
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