There is something really beautiful about a late afternoon summer storm. It cools the air, relieves the pressure, washes away some dirt. A few flashes of lightening, rumbles of thunder, but nothing too serious. Traffic stays mild.
I was enjoying it calmly while running errands, not even minding dragging the kids in and out of stores through a few puddles and sprinkles, then IT HIT ME...
I left my clothes on the line!

What could I do at that point but pray that perhaps the storm had skipped our house? Lo and behold, when we got home, the driveway was slightly damp, but not soaked like everywhere else, and most of the clothes were mostly dry. I think the fact that the line is under trees helped. I put a few things that were the least protected back in the wash, but the things that were still mostly dry went into the dryer for a final round of fluffing and a song of praise. God is good!
Running through the rain, as well as cleaning out those boxes of memories over the last few weeks, has reminded me of when Andy and I first started dating. We literally stood outside in the pouring rain until we were soaked to the skin, spinning in circles, skipping around the fountain in front of the student center. Dancing in the rain.
I am not sure we were even dating yet at that point, just "hanging out", but I think I knew that I loved him already. Now, almost 10 years later, I have no doubt that he would still stand in the rain and dance with me if I asked him too. We may not be as young and foolish, but some things are still worth the mess.
We are down to less then 24 hours until his return.
I am overjoyed. Ecstatic. Terrified.
It is the same every time. Those fears return always. What if he has changed? What if I have changed? What if we can't slip back into the routine of being together? What if we have forgotten how to do this thing called marriage?
I can't wait to see him, hold him, show him our boys, and the house ..... but, that niggling fear always hangs on.
I will beat it. I always do. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Change of subject: What have I been doing to keep myself busy?
Well, beside unpacking, starting 1st grade with Canaan, buying groceries, settling into a new house, changing doctors and pharmacy back to local... we spent Monday at Wild Adventures.
It was "Bring a friend day" for everyone who had a season pass, and our wonderful friends the Enderle's have season passes. They graciously invited us to take a day off from stress and just have fun.
It was very needed, and loads of fun!
The greeted us with a bird, which I let sit on my shoulder. Since I am NOT fond of birds, this was a huge feat.
Eager boys waiting in line.
Zion's first roller coaster ride.
And backward view.
Emily and I discovered that the three older boys all matched. Blonde hair in military regs (or close to). Grey shirts. Blue shorts. Poor little Zion was the odd man out. I don't think he cared, or even noticed.
He did, however, love the slide, especially since I enthusiastically went down with him. (look at my face... aren't a good mommy, getting all into it with him? hahaha)
I did get to ride a couple of real roller coasters - we didn't spend the whole day in kiddie land. Sadly, I think that I am starting to feel my age. They really aren't as much fun as they use to be!
There was a train around the park, so you could see the animals.
Look at Z's face. That is the classic "driving" face that I think all little boys make. Cracks me up!
This was after our first water ride. As you can see, I already had water on the lens. The camera was put away after this. We then spent about three hours in the water, fully coated in sunscreen, and have a wonderful time.
Thank goodness for friends who come and rescue us from our self-imposed insanity, right?
Back to the countdown...
(which has changed, once again!!! but only by a couple of hours, so, oh well. At least he is still coming home)
Loved the words and images about dancing in the rain...
Pictures of your boys are cute as always...
Happy for Andy's homecoming...neither of you will have forgotten....
Enjoy the homecoming. Glad he made it home safely. God bless.
I was wondering if it was going to be forever before we got an update since I am sure when he comes home you won't be concerned about updating for a while!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures! That place looks like fun (I say that with an attempted self-convincing tone, ha!). Also... are those actually your clothes on the line?! Is that a flag?
No, those are not my clothes. I picked a random picture from online, since by the time I got home, I just wanted to get my clothes off the line and in the dryer before it started raining again!
I will try to update again before too long, but no promises. He may be so jet lagged that he falls asleep super early, leaving me plenty of time to blog in the evenings. I don't know what schedule his body will be on.
Congratulations on his emmanent return : ) May you dance in the rain for many many more years. In our early marriage, in our very first apartment, we used to turn the couch during thunderstorms, shut off the lights and watch the storm rumble up the CT River through our living room window. Great memories (that is what gets us through the hard times - memories of the wonderful times).
So happy that Andy is home (almost). That is a crazy feeling at reunion time....and its like that every matter how many times you go thru it. Havent figured that out yet.
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