I have been really, REALLY, stressed lately.
Yes, yes, I am well aware that I am supposed to be trusting God. Believe me - I lay everything down at His feet every day. The problem is, I have this really bad habit of picking all these "burdens" right back up again.
For example...

Money, or the fear of the lack there-of, is a never ending problem right now.
Andy's truck and my parent's mailbox got into a little disagreement a few nights ago.
(please, please ignore the reflection of me in my very old pajamas!)
They both seemed to think they had the right of way - and neither wanted to bend at all.
Thus, they both ended up damaged - although if I had to declare a winner of that "fight", I think the mailbox came out on top! The damage there is definitely less costly!

The truck also needs new tires...
We have a house in Valdosta, all picked out with a lease signed - but now I have to find a fridge, and people to help me move out of storage, and into the house, as well as places to arrange all my stuff in this new location, which may not be quite as big as our last place.

Another stress is that Afghanistan cannot seem to stay out of the news right now. This headline greeted me on Foxnews.com, first thing July 4th.
2 U.S. Troops Killed in Attack on Base in Afghanistan
Strangely enough, or perhaps not strangely, I had already heard about the airstrike that was called in to end the battle - my hubby is right there after all. At least he was not at the base being attacked, but rather just loading the weapons onto the planes for the airstrike. Still, I know guys, personally, who are there. I know their wives - who are here, waiting for them to come home.

A kid that was part of the church youth group with my sisters was killed in Afghanistan this week. His name was Seth, and he was just a kid.
In other news, my little girl is still in Africa - waiting for me. Although, she is now wearing a Disney T-shirt, and hugging a Build-a-Bear lamb - proof that I am coming SOMEDAY!
Lots and lots of stress, that I just keep picking up and worrying over.
So, what is the absolute best cure for stress?
Retail therapy, of course!!!!
A few cute things for the boys, just because I was there.
Lots of adorable things for my little girl. I am getting very eager to get my Eden Gladness home! Thank goodness for the $2.99 rack at Children's Place!
I spent a little over $100, got all of the above, plus new sunglasses and a birthday present for my sister. I love the outlet mall!
In Numbers 13, the spies that had gone into the promised land came back with a report of "giants". Most of God's people were shivering in their boots, afraid that the giants would eat them alive. But Caleb and Joshua were not afraid - they didn't just see giants; they saw the wonderful example of God's power that COULD (and WOULD) be displayed when God conquered those giants.
I want to remember to think that way. Things that stress me out and make me fret can be giants if I let them. In fact, they could even "eat me alive". I choose to refuse to let the giants win. Thankfully, that is all that my Savior requires. A statement of faith - He takes care of the rest, as long as I fully trust in Him.
I love this quote - "It is when we are in the way of duty that we find giants. It was when Israel was going forward that the giants appeared. When they turned back into the wilderness they found none." Streams in the Desert, June 29
Only when we are following the path we are supposed to be on, will we be challenged by giants - they may stress us out, even scare us a little - but WE are conquerors!
Thanks for listening. I feel so much better now!
Hang in there Betsy! I love you!
Time is flying and you are going to by flying into his arms before you can get that furniture arranged good!
On another note...ZOO!
I am so there with you! And knowing God is in control isn't stopping it. I'm not going to be able to feed my kids when we move if this house doesn't sell. We will have to go straight into base housing and try to come up with the mortgage here also. Geesh I feel sick!
Bethany, I love you!! Call the Williams Clan if you need help moving. We can loan you teenagers! :)
I can't wait to meet your little girl - that's going to be such a wonderful day! God is so good.
Wow! God bless you and your family. I think that you are allowed to feel a little stress. As long as you can feel his supporting arms craddling you, you'll be ok. You are an inspiration.
I agree...you are an inspiration! Loved your words about giants...it only takes a little stone and a sling....
Wow! I left a comment on today's post earlier today. Just wanted to let you know, your blog (the 1/3 I have read) really blesses me. May God continue to bless you.
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