Even with all the medical drama of the last few weeks, life doesn't pause.
There are still groceries to buy, and meals to cook with those groceries. Children to dress every morning, and the laundry they create to wash when it piles up. Dishes to wash. Phone calls to make. And, oh yeah, school to teach.
We have been studying volcanos. Active and extinct. The difference between magma and lava. Craters and ash and the Ring of Fire. Both C and Z have been fascinated, and I myself have learned a thing or two. So on Tuesday, after my morning with the Neurologist, we decided to blow something up in the backyard. Isn't that what every stressful day needs?
First we painted a really cool volcano with another homeschool friend.
We had originally planned to go to homeschool PE class first, and I was going to have a run, so please excuse the ratty clothes.
Next we set a straw inside the volcano and made sure it lined up with the bottle that would hold our "explosive" mixture.

Finally we mixed our vinegar and baking soda and rushed to set it under the volcano before it bubbled out.

Rather then Boom, we got Crash!
Oh well.
We shook it up really well and made it squirt all over the back yard anyway. The main idea was learned, and it was really really fun.
Today we really didn't feel like doing too much book work. After just a few basics, we decided to learn through play.
Canaan got out the alphabet blocks and started spelling while he built. I quizzed him on some letter blends, then just let him use his imagination.
His building started with a solid foundation - "rocks". Next came a "wall". A "boy" sat upon the wall. He wanted to spell "up" next, but we couldn't find a "p". It must have been on the side of one of the other letters we had already used. He settled for "in". At the top he needed a word that was only one letter. He decided that "I" was the most fitting, since "I" built it.
Zion practiced some sorting (of course) and counting.
Notice, though, the detail of his sorting. Not just red, but shades of red. He cracks me up!
This photo is really out of focus, but for some reason I found it impossible to resist. A dump truck towing a sports car. Oh, the imagination of my baby.
Here it is a little clearer. For some reason, this is inspiring to me. That big truck with the slightly bent wheels, rolling on with the weight of another on it's back and the rough carpet beneath it. Not complaining. Not pausing. Just doing it's job.
I was teaching my kids letters and numbers and colors.
God was reminding me about persistence and consistency.
Every day is full of lessons.
That is SO funny that you did the volcano thing this week! We did too! We didn't actually build a volcano or learn anything about them, (ha ha!) but the kids chick-fil-a meals came with beakers a couple of weeks ago and directions for how to do that "lava" stuff with it and we tried it the other day.
So fun!
Have you done the mentos in the soda thing with the boys?? Thats a fun "volcano".
What a great stress releaver - blowing up volcanoes. Hey, I left you an award / questionaire over at http://justcallmewoman.blogspot.com
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