Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

What we carry in our body

When I made this verse image I was planning to talk about the news of Jesus still being bigger than the news of Coronavirus. That the bad news all around that threatens to overwhelm does not have to be the only thing we see. That the negative news that the “news” tends to project does not have to be the only angle we hear. 
 Joy is still stronger, and bigger, and a choice. 
 That is still true, and perhaps God will still have me write that post, eventually. 

But I got distracted by my own self centric story... and somehow I feel that God is allowing that. 

Here’s the thing- I was waiting to hear what comes next for my brain. 
Waiting and waiting and waiting! 
March was a rough month. I had at least nine seizures- and those were only the ones I was awake for and aware of. Most likely there were others at night, or small enough that my meds contained them. Nine that broke through and made themselves known. 
Nine that left me exhausted, and confused, and at one point very, very unsure of things that should be obvious. (Like the names of people I am related to.)
The appointment to find out more, to discuss the surgery from January and the WADA from February, was set for March 30th. Then, in mid March the world fell apart. Coronavirus became the center of the news, the center of events, the center of the world. UAB hospital closed down everything that wasn’t necessary for life.
Thankfully, the neurology department can do quite a lot over the phone! The team still got together to make the plans and discuss the current cases and I was placed before the board. 
 Dr. Pati said I was actually one of the easiest. My case was obvious and didn’t require much discussion. That is always nice to hear. 

Laser is what is recommended for me. 
I technically qualify for the brain surgery, cutting out a portion; or inserting the “pacemaker” type thing as well. If for some reason laser doesn’t work we can discuss those, but they are all very hopeful that the simple laser zapping of the part of my brain that misfires will make my life a lot better. 

Obviously, this summary is very non-medical. The doc used big words and fancy terms. But I prefer the news in simplified English. 
“Zap it. Fix it” 
 That works me for. 

The problem for now is that the medical world is focused, correctly and without complaint from me, on one major event. 
Brain surgery is, strangely enough, optional. 
So, we wait. 

That is the lesson God chooses to teach me over and over. 

That is the “news” I share today. 
But I think I will return to what the original thought was anyway. 
“The new of Jesus went out to the surrounding territories.”
That was “good news”...but it was striking, and big, and hard to hear. 
It was different and confusing and nothing that anyone expected. 
Sound familiar? 
Big news. Frustrating news. Overwhelming news. 

Those are never ending. 
How we respond is still our choice. 

How we respond, always, is our choice! 
Let the life of Jesus be revealed in you my friends. 
Shine joy. 
Share hope.
Live with faith. 
Wait with patience. 

Be blessed, and recognize those blessings!

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