Who writes this stuff?

My photo
I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Kelsey

 My sister Kelsey Joy has been living up to her name since the day she was born. She is a little over six years younger than me, so I vividly remember her entry into the world.
 I think she was the first answer to prayer that I ever got to hold in my hands. Even at six, I had no doubt in my Savior. He and I were already pretty tight. But Kelsey was such a beautiful confirmation, visible and tangible that He really was listening.
 Something that a six year old could grasp. Literally.

 You see, I had so wanted another sibling. We had a few come through our home, through the foster care system. As much as I enjoyed them, I always knew that they were not ours to keep. Then Mom had a miscarriage. My, at the time, five year old heart was so disappointed that our baby was going to live with Jesus instead of us. So I prayed and prayed for a baby.

For some reason, I still haven't remembered to get my old photo albums from mom's house, so we will have to work with what I already have uploaded on here. Don't worry - she is plenty adorable! I just don't  have any baby pics...

 God worked fast. Just a few months after I turned six, there she was. Beautiful brown eyes that squinted up so tight you could barely see them. After two girls in a row that looked like Mom, Dad finally got one that looked like him!
She was truly an answer to prayer that I could hold in my hands.
Dad's first foreign mission trip. 
They became common after that, and obviously, Kelsey can't remember life before then! 
She has always had a flair for the dramatic. (She's the one on the far left)
And a love for costumes.
So when she fell in love with theatre and dance, I can't say we were surprised. 

She has participated in and taught dance around the world.
She has already been teaching my sons very useful skills, like how to be gangsta
(See - he caught on quick)

and how to love life with abandon. 

When she found someone who shared her love for taking Jesus's word and living it with every breath you take until you cease to breathe...

well, she added him to the family,

  and they spent their first year of marriage in Uganda, where he worked as a pilot for a mission agency. 
 You can read about some of their adventures here

Mostly, she continues to live up to her name.  
Kelsey Joy.
She shares it, shines it and creates it in abundance for everyone who comes in contact with her. 
Most of all, she is never afraid to tell them who true Joy comes from. 
Sadly, I think this is the only picture of the Binkley girls all together taken this calendar year.

 I love you Kelsey Joy. Happy 25th Birthday! 


Kelli Belle said...

Love this post! Happy Birthday, Kelsey!! :)

EmileeHope said...

Yeah!! What a great addition to the family Kelsey is...although I wasn't too sure about it sometimes growing up...I couldn't love her more!! =)
(Can you believe she is 25? Wow! That makes me feel old!)