Who writes this stuff?

My photo
I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Monday, April 06, 2009


 Yesterday morning we visited the church home of our dear friends, Corey and Carrie. Carrie was teaching Zion's S.S. class, and Corey was on the worship team, so I couldn't sit with them, but luckily I brought my parents with me and had wonderful seatmates built in. 
 Amazingly enough, after all these years of friendship, I don't think I have ever attended church with the Thompsons. Sitting in the congregation during worship time, my eyes were drawn to Corey playing his guitar. 
 I often worship with my eyes closed. I like to enter the throne room of God, pretend that it is just He and I and that no one else is around. And for several songs yesterday that is what I did. But I can do that any day, any time. That doesn't require a group of people playing instruments, or singing along with me. That doesn't even require a CD - just me and God. 
 Yesterday, I left my eyes open for awhile, and I watched the worship around me. It is such an awe inspiring experience to watch people praise their creator. The joy, the passion and the intensity of emotion that are allowed to show during those moments are beautiful. 
 I watched Corey. I remembered him as a 19 year old kid - simply "Andy's best friend". As Andy's best friend, I was fairly certain he was someone I would be seeing for a long time. Even at 19, I knew that Andy was going to be around for the long haul - and thus, Corey was in "for keeps" too. 

 Finals week, Shorter College 2000
 I remembered Corey at 21, when Andy and I came home from our honeymoon and he and Carrie announced that they were getting married the next week - after participating in our crazy big wedding, they decided to just go ahead and get married! 

As a groomsman at our wedding
 Exactly two weeks later, at their wedding

 I remembered Corey as a young daddy, working hard shifts, trying to keep up with young children, and a teacher for a wife. 
 During all those years, he was simply - "my husband's best friend".
 Then, one day, Carrie quit teaching, and decided to homeschool, and over the course of just a few weeks we suddenly realized we had A LOT more in common then we had ever paid attention to before. Or maybe we always realized we had a lot in common, we just had the time to "play" together after she quit teaching. Either way... now Corey had a new title. 
 He was now "one of my best friend's husbands" rather then my "husband's best friend". 

 Yesterday, watching Corey worship, I remembered years worth of memories. Stories of memories from highschool that I wasn't even there for. Memories of the dating years. Memories from when Katie and Canaan were both still nursing babies. Memories of Andy's year in Korea when Corey had to stand in for him and move the boys and I eight hours away. Talk about a hefty job! Memories of birthday parties, and anniversary dinners, and silly nights playing games and listening to music.
 I cried a little as I watched him worship, simply because it was a beautiful thing. I loved knowing that my husband's best friend loves Jesus. The two of them may not have always made the wisest choices when they were young, but they chose to stick together. They chose to have each other's back, no matter what. They have chosen, repeatedly, to put Jesus and their families first in their lives. 

 Silly dads, at a CEC birthday party.
 I recently read the story of David and Jonathan, and their friendship. Modern men seem to shy away from relationships with intensity like that, but I like to think that my man and his best friend have hope for something deep like that. I will hold onto this scripture for them... "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying 'The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.'" 1 Sam. 20:42
 Thank you Corey for being my husband's best friend. Thank you for marrying Carrie, and thus bringing me one of my best friends. I am so glad that you get to be one of "my best friend's husbands", as well as my "husband's best friend". 

This is one of my favorite pictures, EVER. Hilarious! 
 I think that I have a new goal now. Perhaps it is time I got to know Corey as Corey. Not as my best friend's husband, or my husband's best friend. 
 Simply as my friend. 
"A friend is one who comes in when the whole world has gone out." 


Mary said...

Sweet, sweet words that brought tears to my eyes.

Karen said...

This made my eyes fill up while reading about the wonderful friendship all of you have grown into over the years. I hope the next generation of Thompsons and Freemans can carry this tradition on and have future blessings of true fellowship.

I am so glad you visited Graceland!

Anonymous said...

This is probably the nicest this that has ever been said about me in print (I saved a copy to my hard drive so you can't deny it later on...) All kidding aside, your husband is closer to me than my own brothers. I remember when Andy first started talking about you. It was weird at first as I had never heard him talk about anyone like he did about you. Then I met you and you were the most mature person around my age I had ever met. If I am being honest I should say you intimidated me and I felt like Bobcat Goldwaith when we were hanging out as you were already an adult in nature and I was still a kid. Still am I suppose...

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. You and your whole family are some of the coolest people I have ever met and have always made me feel like part of the family even though I am just a random fat guy. I wish I was more eloquent and could say something back that is as awesome as what you have said, but from hanging out with me over the years and reading my old blog you know that I mostly just say something stupid and then laugh about it... Thanks for being a friend to my family and to me.

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.

And if you through a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.

Sorry, could not resist...

Carrie said...

Awww...that is so awesome! I was scrolling down cautiously because I was afraid you had posted the photos from our all night coupon cutting session...ack! I guess those were too bad after all huh?
I am so happy....just joyful that we all have each other!
Love you!

Carrie said...

sorry my husband posted the Golden Girls theme song on your blog. Would you expect anything else? :)

word verification: succuin

what the binkley family does: "suck you in." ha ha!

EmileeHope said...

You are so thoughtful and full of deep and meaningful thoughts Betsy! I love you so much and I am constantly reminded how lucky, no blessed, I am to have you as a sister and friend! You truly appreciate everyone around you for exactly who they are-I know that because you love me even though I am crazy!! BTW-I love Carrie's comment about the definition of succuin. My quistion is...is that a real word and if is is what does it really mean? I am scared it is something horrible-or is it just an inside joke?!?! Also-don't forget about The High for Saturday! I am sooooo excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Did Corey really quote "Golden Girls?" Now that's funny. I must admit this blog made me shed a tear, not some kind of gentle sobbing or anything crazy, but i did shed one. It took me away to past times and pictures remembered. I am so glad that my best friend and my "best friend" get along so well. I am truly blessed to have you both, through good times and bad. Know that I love you both. Which years ago may have been a hard thing to say, but I find myself secure enough to state my true feelings and not hide behind some "homophobic mask". I love you both in the deepest ways possible, and Corey I love you like a brother and would do anything for you and yours.


Carrie said...

succuin: that was the word verification for when I posted my comment...you know the letters you have to type "as you see above" before you can leave a comment?

Sometimes the word verifications are funny and apply to what I am commenting so I like to tell and share...just silly.