Of course, I am an avid reader - most people who read this blog know that about me already. Ever since I was a child, books have been my favorite companion. Through every move, across many states and into several foreign countries, books have always been my friends. They have come with me, and remained faithful, no matter what.
Pretty much my entire childhood, as soon as we got in the car, I stuck my nose in a book and didn't emerge again until we got where we were going. For a long time Mom thought that I had no sense of direction, because I never knew how to get anywhere - Emilee always had to be her navigator. She finally figured out that I had no idea how to get anywhere because I was never paying attention. There are plenty of times more recently when we will drive past something and my sisters will say, "remember when we drove here, etc etc etc ...?" and I will just respond with a blank stare. They have learned to just say, "You were probably reading!"
I suppose I missed out on some "real life" moments, but I have so many experiences in the world of literature, I truly have no regrets.
Last night my friend Carrie took me up to Chattanooga to McKay's used bookstore. You can see her blog about it here. What cracked me up was that another blogger friend, Autumn, chose to blog about books yesterday too, and my friend Nikowa blogged about the summer reading program at the library. I guess books are just on everyone's mind right now.
Before I went to McKay last night, I had stopped in at the used book sale fund raiser for the local library.
I went just a little crazy there.
At McKay, I held myself to a budget - plus they had some freebies in the bin out front, so I grabbed some of those too. (like the Nancy Drew one shown down below - I wouldn't pay for that at this point in my life, but for free - why not?) I got a whole stack of Nora Roberts and almost the entire Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn. This should last at least until Andy gets home...
All in all, I spent $52, including tax.
I brought home 57 books total, between the two stops.
Of course, some of those are school books. Math, Science, Social Studies, Geography, and a Handwriting workbook for 1st grade. I love getting Abeka for less then half price, and Highlights workbooks for .20 cents.
I'm also a part of two different book clubs this summer. Like I said, I love to read. A little later, I will be reading two different Francine Rivers books.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love to read EVERYTHING. I am not at all particular - there are many books that I read, and promptly put on the shelf that is expressly forbidden for my unmarried sister to touch. But I am happily married (with a deployed husband - so I am certainly not getting any right now) so I don't mind an occasional love scene. Or murder mystery. Or vampire, or zombie.

I got Pride and Prejudice and Zombies for my Birthday.
It was HILARIOUS. If you like the original, and can take a joke, you will probably like this too.
But I do especially love to read things that are historical, and things that bring me closer to my Savior.
So when I can read things that fit both those criteria, I am thrilled. Which is why I am looking forward to both of these book club reads.

Read more about Redeeming Love (one of my favorite books ever) and Unafraid at Francine Rivers website.
But right this very minute, I am reading this....

There are all sorts of interesting comments out there about this book. I already have some interesting comments of my own.
I am not the personality type to be extreme. I don't usually despise or adore things. I often just find a nice middle ground - but this might require a stance... We'll see.
I am only just starting chapter 8, so I can't say I am an expert yet, but I must say I am very excited about the book club meeting in which we will discuss this book. I have already talked two of my sisters into reading this book so they can discuss it with me, and hopefully attend the meeting with me too.
Anyone else out there read it yet? Any comments? I want to discuss it more, but I have to finish it first. Please, my blog world friends, read it, so you can discuss it with me.
I am so jealous of your book shopping trip!!! Over 50 books!! Oh, heaven!
Pride, Prejudice and Zombies???? My interest is peaked.
Happy reading!
OOH!!! You did great! We actually went BACK to the library this morning for a beekeeping lesson :)
I just LOVE the library!
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on The Shack. It made a big impact on me, and transformed some of my thinking. Very interesting book.
Correction! I should be your favorite companion.
I have been wanting to read The Shack as well. I have heard a lot of buzz about it! I guess maybe I should go ahead and think about reading it while you are as well! (I may have to borrow that Pride & Prejudice & Zombies one too!!) Love ya Betsy and I will see you this afternoon!
I thought I had commented!!!!
So, I guess I don't have anything to comment so maybe I didn't.
Looking forward to discussing the book. C-R-A-Z-Y discussion coming I am sure!
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