The idea is that other people will do the same thing, leave comments on each other's pages, and get to know each other. It is like networking for bloggers. It is a fabulous idea, and I am excited. Slightly intimidated, because I don't usually like to beg for attention, but none the less, I am excited.
One of the requirements is that you write a slight "introduction" post. So, here is a little about me...
I was born in May, 1979 to ex-hippie turned Jesus freak parents who love Jesus with their whole hearts, and introduced me to HIM very young.

My dad has been a "Jack of all trades" within the world of Christian ministry, including preacher, chaplain, missionary, and computer programmer. My Mom gave me three little sisters, who are some of my best friends in the whole world, and homeschooled all four of us while we moved all over the country, and occasionally the world.

This is my family in Norway, circa 1995

This is my family last May, when my third sister got married
After a homeschool graduation, I attended college and majored in Psychology, with a focus on child development. Although in all reality, I was honestly just waiting. Waiting for God to give me a husband. I loved school - learning comes fairly easily to me, although NOT science! I enjoyed school, and the friends, and the interaction with professors, but my life goal was to be a wife and a mommy.
I was starting to get stressed when I made it to my senior year (one of the joys of being a homeschooler – already use to working alone, college is not much of a transition, so I skipped a year and graduated at age 20) and there were no prospects in sight. And honestly, when I met my Andy, I was still slightly stressed. God and I had some serious conversations. He was younger then me (10 whole months - gasp!) and an art major (not what I had envisioned supporting me and the future youngins I hoped to birth - gasp!) but I loved him almost immediately. So I waited for him.
About two years after we met, he was still undecided as to what exactly he wanted to do with his life – but he did know he wanted to spend it with me. So, quite happily I must say, we got married.

My love and I at our wedding - June, 2001
I taught school. He quit college (for the second time) worked odd jobs and created beautiful art. Less then three months later was Sept. 11th. The Sept. 11th that changed the world.
My love immediately joined the Air Force, and we have never looked back. Strangely enough, my dreams have all come true. I have given birth to two amazing sons, whom I now get to teach at home. Our paperwork for adopting our daughter from Benin, a small country on the cape of Africa, is currently in the works.
My Savior has blessed me more then I can express. My love is faithful and responsible, conscientious and charming, artistic and sexy, loves Jesus with all his heart, will be a college graduate in just a few weeks, and the man can COOK.
I have beautiful, talented, healthy sons who are learning to be more like Jesus every day, and still love to cuddle.

Family photo - Jan. 2009
Right before Andy deployed to Afghanistan
And soon, I will have a daughter who will laugh with me at the crazy males in our life, and enjoy a little “fluff” now and then.
Life is good.
Now, please leave a comment to introduce yourself, and I will come by and meet you too!
Let me introduce myself, I love you very much and thank you for teaching me so much these past almost 30 years. You are amazing and a great mommy to 2 of the cutest boys around. You picked out a great life partner and we all appreciate him and what he does for you and our country. Basically I'm a proud momma..and nani...
I know you are aiming for comments from new visitors, but I had to say your intro was quite charming! I loved the pictures and especially the latest one. The pose is so cute!
Also remember, the people's lives you have touched through your writings may not always leave a comment, but you have left a mark on their lives and you may never know about it....
Bethy, I seriously don't know how you do it but almost every time that I read your blog which is every time you write one. I end up with tears in my eye. Tears of Joy mostly because I am so glad to have such an AMAZING big sis who is a great example of love and commitment and who is one of the coolest mommies I know. I love to learn from you for when I have kidos someday. Sometimes my tears are cried with you as you struggle through something, whether it be waiting for God to bring us our precious little girl, or counting down the dreaded days till Andy deployed. Sometimes I just cry cause I miss you so much but some how all my tears are refreshing because your blog helps me to feel like I am still there, not across the ocean. Your blog helps me to stay connected while still being where God wants us. I love you!!!! Thanks for blogging!!!
I love you so much Betsy!! You are the best big sister ever!! I am so excited about the time you are going to be spending at mom & dad's and can't wait to do tons of fun stuff together! (BTW-I will try to get those picture from over the weekend to you tonight, I was going to upload them, but I couldn't find the cord for my camera!)
This is such a fun idea!!!!!! I loved reading your introduction, it was so fun and you picked great pictures to show the "big" moments! How fun!!!!
I agree that you are awesome in every way! I won't be repetitive! ha ha!
Bethany, I love reading your blog - sorry I don't leave a comment very often :) Keep up the great writing - your words are more inspiring than you know!
Lindsey (Mann) Arthur
Wow! What a fantastic introduction!
I love how you used photos to illustrate it as well!!
Thank you to your husband and to you too, for doing what you do! America would not be America if it were not for people like your husband!
Enjoy the blog party!
Hello from another AF wife, mom of two by birth and one by adoption.
Love the blog. Will be back (and remember to comment!)
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
What a lovely family God has given you! I enjoyed reading about your family's heritage. I, too, was born and raised in a Christian family. In fact, I was a missionary teacher before I married. God is good! Amen.
I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.
Sometimes it amazes me, although I don't know why it should, as to how the Lord uses the words of a complete stranger to give you encouragement and reminders of His faithfulness on days when you need them. Loved reading your comments - ran across your blog via pinterest (where I love finding ideas) and am reminded again that no matter comes into your life, our Lord is in control. Thanks for your words. I will continue to follow your blog! Happy blogging!
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