Andy and I had already been friends for about a month by the time he "asked me out". I think pretty much EVERYONE was surprised (even him) when I said yes. After all, I was older (10 whole months) and more "put together". At the time Andy was definitely still just a kid, and not a super mature one when it comes right down to it. But for some reason, I always saw who he could be. I knew that he truly and honestly was seeking God with his whole heart. He might not have always followed the right path, but he was consciously trying to seek him.
From that first date, I knew. For nine years now, there has never been a moment when Andy was not my other half. You can ask my Mom. She had to hear about him pretty much non-stop for weeks on end!
I had to wait for him to finish growing up. Wait... maybe not finish... if that were the case, I might still be waiting! Anyway... nine years later, he still completes me, still amazes me, still gives me all his love, still seeks God with me, and still buys me cheesecake.
What more could a girl ask for?
That was really sweet. I remember when y'all started dating (I honestly barely knew Andy). I was very surprised! I was even more surprised when it lasted and y'all got married, honestly! But, I am so happy for you and I always knew how smart and mature you were and that you wouldn't get married without being sure! You are both richly blessed for having each other!
Awww...that is so sweet! I love what you said about "finish" growing up! ha! Andy joining the military and STILL not "growing up" certainly proves to me that it just won't happen! Guys NEVER grow up! JK...I know they show it when it counts....but their opinion of "when it counts" is probably way different than ours!
Congratulations on 9 years!
Hey, did you try using your handy pan scraper? Also, my mom has a gummy thingee you can use to get that sticky stuff off..unless it actually pulled part of the picture up...no hope there!
Congrats y'all!! Time sure does fly...although, in a way, it seems like Andy has always been a part of the family!!
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