Andy and I got totally and utterly trounced at Lord of the Rings Monopoly last night. By our five year old. That is just sad! I think it is a very accurate portrayal of our opposite personalities though, and how a blending of them works perfectly. Andy was entirely too aggressive, and spent too much on "strongholds", not saving enough for paying rent. I was not aggressive enough, so when people landed on my properties, I didn't make much money. Since we were both advising Canaan, he played a perfect game. Plus, he did have all four "horses" (which are the same as the railroads in the original) That was the killer right there! Zion participated for exactly three rolls of the dice. He then sat on Daddy's back for about 60 seconds, strangled him for about 20 seconds, ran off with one of the extra playing pieces, before I finally decided to let him play "Elmo" online. Thank goodness for Sesame Workshop!
I have gone more than two weeks now without reading a novel. It is a strange feeling... my desire to read is just gone. Perhaps because I have so many other things to read? Speaking of which... I want to point out a few of today's favorites. Just because.
While sipping my chai - This is a homeschool friend that I grew up with. I thought this was a very well spoken expression of her political views, and the video at the end is hilarious, if a little long.
Thoughts, Ponderings, Musings - This is one of my best friends and her plan for Christmas this year. I think it is a great plan and I am so excited to hear how it goes.
Looking through the Windshield - This is the husband of one of my college roommates. I barely know him, but I love his wife, and I respect what he has to say, and the way he says it.
1 comment:
I guess we will have to play that sometime..though I have barely watched the first Lord of the Rings movie, not the others...does that count? Probably not, it isn't Trivial Pursuit.
I will check out your other links. I hope you start loving to read again soon!
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