Who writes this stuff?

My photo
I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

One lovely blog

My wonderful friend Carrie has given me a very sweet award. When she decided to share it with me and a few others, she described us as "wonderfully dedicated bloggers with lovely thoughts to share with the world." Isn't that just an inspiring way to start a day? It certainly made me feel appreciated and loved! 
 In the same way, I would like to pass the award on to (in no particular order) some people who bring a smile to my face and a little bit of Jesus to the great big World Wide Web:
 Abigail at Simply Thoughts
 Christina at Tales from the Crib
 Thank you Carrie for liking what I have to say. Thank you Mary, Abby, Chrissy, Kelsey and Kelly for bringing a smile to my day regularly. 


Carrie said...

Cutie Sweetie. Not sure why I typed that...ha.
So did you just scan a paper with your signature and then put it in on every post?

Mimi said...

Aw, thank you so much for my award! You are so sweet! And I don't deserve it, I hardly ever get a chance to write--not like you, anyway!
But thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't Em and I get an award for all our sunburn stories? Can't wait to get home where I can call you whenever I want. Love, MOM

Abigail said...

so sweet! thank you bethany!