Who writes this stuff?

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I try to keep my priorities in order: Jesus, my Andy, our children, everything else. I homeschool our boys, love to read almost all written words and have been challenged by the military life for 18 years. Right now my faulty human body is demanding a lot of attention. One day at a time, learning as much as possible every day and remembering to look for JOY when other things threaten to overwhelm.

My Blog Title Verse

"For the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6 NKJV
The Message translation puts it this way "God gives out Wisdom free, is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding."

Friday, December 12, 2008

Runaway words

 I would just like to say that I wish my brain could type while my hands were busy. Oh, the things that would get blogged about... 
 Say, for example, who knows what interesting things might get written while my body was stuck, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, surrounded by half-shelled pecans, spilled flour, a crying five year old (because he spilled the flour everywhere, and he was trying so hard to be a helper) in such desperate need of the vacuum cleaner to just magically appear and do it's thing. 
 Why is it that my brain is so creative at that moment, so full of words, and descriptions, and emotions? And now, when the pecans are shelled, and chopped and safely baking in a cake, and the flour is vacuumed, and put away, and my fabulous five year old is waiting (not very patiently) for me to play a board game with him... now I have no words. 
 Oh well. 
 Someday I am going to become a genius, and invent a machine that can read my mind, and type what I am thinking. When I invent that, I'll let you know! Until then,  you'll just have to trust me - I do have interesting thoughts sometimes, really! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just thinking about that mess makes me so so so sad for you! Glad it ended well and can't wait for that invention.